Exhibitor “Speed Networking”

Last year’s Exhibitor “Speed Networking” event was such a success that we are going to do it again! If you are not familiar with it, it is based upon the …

Profit from the Whole Business

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Now you can find ways to develop your Whole Business at the upcoming International Franchise Brokers Conference & Expo November …

Your Vacation Destination!

For many of you, chances are your November will be COLD! Yet another benefit of attending the 2014 International Franchise Brokers Conference & Expo is that you get to enjoy …

Why Attend the 2014 Conference?

As a franchise broker or consultant, why should you attend the 2014 International Franchise Brokers Conference & Expo?  As a franchisor, why should you exhibit at the 2014 International Franchise …